The Effects Of Trauma On Children How Children Externalize And Internalize Trauma


The word itself resembles a precious time woven with threads of wonder, exploration, and discovery. 

But, for some children, these threads bear the weight of a hidden trauma, casting shadows across their young lives. 

The effects of these experiences are profound, seeping into a child's very soul and affecting their emotions, thoughts, and physical beings. 

The Duality of Externalizing and Internalizing Trauma

Trauma, like a haunting melody, can echo in two contrasting notes: externalization and internalization. The externalization reflects the outward cries of distress, often cloaked in acts of aggression, defiance, and rebellion. In contrast, internalization whispers silently within, manifesting as anxiety, depression, and withdrawal. These shaded responses together create a fragile interplay, painting a vivid portrait of the child's complex inner world, where the impact of trauma is far from one-dimensional.

Externalization Trauma: 

When children externalize trauma, they become tempests of emotion, like a storm unleashed. Their pain surges forth in behaviors that ripple through their surroundings, challenging the patience of those who love them. These externalizing behaviors may include:

Aggression: Children who externalize trauma lash out, their anger a shield against the chaos within. Physical and verbal aggression become their cries for help.

Defiance: They stand resolute, rebels in the face of authority. Their stubbornness is a defiant stance against a world that has wronged them. It’s a sign of resiliency but often seen a oppositional.

Risky behaviors: Adolescents may turn to dangerous behaviors in a bid to escape their pain. Substance abuse, promiscuity, or self-harm serve as brief respites from their internal turmoil.

Internalization Trauma:

In contrast, children who internalize trauma bear a quiet burden. Their pain is concealed beneath a veil of composure, their suffering hidden from prying eyes. Common signs of internalization include:

Anxiety: Anxiety wraps its tendrils around them, a constant companion. They wrestle with incessant worry and fear, their minds haunted by past traumas, often leading to panic attacks and phobias.

Depression: A heavy cloud of hopelessness descends upon them, casting shadows on their spirit. The world loses its color, and their interest in life fades. They retreat from the company of others, finding solace in solitude.

Self-esteem issues: Internalized trauma erodes their self-worth. They carry the weight of guilt, believing themselves responsible for the traumatic events, even when it was far beyond their control.

Physical symptoms: The emotional pain of internalized trauma takes its toll on their bodies. Headaches, stomachaches, and sleepless nights become their silent cries for help, the body mirroring the torment within.

While trauma can manifest by different means, it is crucial to remember that not all children who experience trauma will display extreme externalizing or internalizing behaviors. From lashing out to staying silent and not speaking a word, trauma is a nightmare that can influence a child in different aspects. 

That is why it is crucial that we support our children during this dilemma. With proper support, guidance, and a healthy and nurturing environment, we can help our the most vulnerable of our human society to have a voice. Furthermore, literature like "The Silences Became Too Loud to Quiet" can be extremely helpful in assisting both adults and children in adressing trauma.

"The Silences Became Too Loud to Quiet" is an emotionally charged and touching personal narrative about a child's struggle through a life full of drama and trauma. It offers a thorough understanding of how children internalize these experiences and the consequences of generational trauma. Moreover, this book explores the symptoms of childhood trauma, how it develops into adolescence, and how generational trauma is passed down, serving as a potent reminder of the need for healing and ending the cycle of family secrecy. With its vivid storytelling, this book is an inspiring read that takes you on a transformative journey from the depths of trauma to the heights of triumph.


The Lifelong Impact of Childhood Trauma


A Journey Through The Shadows To Healing and Redemption